Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Credit or Debit?

MACKINAW CITY, MI -- Credit or debit?
You've probably heard that question if you use your plastic when making purchases.
And for one of the busiest weekends in Mackinaw City, business owners say this year, more people are saying debit.
On a tight budget, vacations can be one of the first things to put on hold.  Many people I spoke with said this is the first time they've hit the road in a while, and with it, they're being more cautious.  Like Bradley Gipson---this year, it's cash only.
“Something that we decided to do as a family to make it easier on ourselves because the way the economy is, it's much better that way, not overspending, not getting yourself in debt," said Gipson.
Mark and Lisa Larson are visiting from North Dakota and they try to do the same.
”Most of the time, depending on the size of the purchases," said Mark Larson.
According to Dawn Edwards and the Mackinaw City Chamber of Commerce, she's seen a lot of this type of spending this year.  Even parents budgeting their kids.
"It's been kind of fun to see kids say I want!  And mom and dad say, what's left in your envelope?" said Edwards.
Most of the people said they set a budget before they head on vacation, and they prefer to use cash, but of how easy it is to use a debit card, they stick to the plastic.
"Swipe , go, too lazy to stop at the ATM's, and then the ATM fees, that's ridiculous too," said Andrew May.
"we're trying to be a little more responsible, and switch to the debit card, instead of constantly adding on and gaining interest with the credit card," said Justin and Nicki Sharer.
One business owner I spoke with said people are spending more money, but with the theme, people are sticking to their means.
"People are using their debit cards a little more, a little more cash sales," said Vicky Teysen, owner of Teysen’s Gift Shop.
And getting more bang for a buck is on the minds of all I talked with.
The Mackinaw City Chamber said they're seeing a lot of people stay in-state to vacation, but the number of out of state visitors has grown tremendously compared to the past few years.

source: upnorthlive.com

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